Namely abbreviation
Namely abbreviation

In this case, The Journal of biological chemistry is abbreviated to J Biol Chem. Here you’ll find the journal’s abbreviated title. Among this information you should see “NLM Title Abbreviation”. When you click Search, you’ll see that a record comes up with information on the journal itself. For this example, I’ve used The Journal of biological chemistry. It will prompt you to put in the name of a journal. Then you can find and click on ‘Journals” under the Explore option. When you click on it, you’ll be redirected to the National Library of Medicine (PubMed) homepage (see the screenshot below). From there, scroll down to the database PubMed. To get here, just go to the Databases by Subject list. The first place you can go to find your journal abbreviation is the NLM Catalog, accessible via PubMed. Talk with your professor to know how you should proceed. If you try both sources and still can’t find your abbreviated journal title, don’t make it up! Some journal titles aren’t abbreviated, including some that are just one word titles. If one source doesn’t list the abbreviation you’re looking for, try the other one! (And if you’re off campus, make sure you login first). There are still two main sources you can use to determine the correct abbreviation for a journal. That’s why, in this post, we’ll be aiming to set your heart at ease by covering some different places you can go to find the abbreviated journal title. Phoebe Buffay, panicking and saying “What do I do?”.

Namely abbreviation